The Art We Wear

Painting with Thread

The Art We Wear
Language: English/Kiswahili
ISBN: 979-8836680893
Online Retailers' Price: $12.99

The fabulous garments that distinguish regions and cultures within Ethiopia begin as little puffs of cotton plucked from their plants. Then they embark on a complicated journey, developed across generations of skilled weavers, that transforms the little puffs into loose pillows, then into thread, and finally into intricate patterns. The art of weaving is an ancient and important skill, and the source of the beautiful fashions that fill Ethiopian communities with color and style. Young bilingual readers can follow the process from plant to finished product with detailed illustrations by Daniel Getahun and marvel at what’s possible with two skilled hands!

Illustrator: Daniel Getahun
Format: Kindle, Paperback
Genre Class:
Our price for bulk orders: $9.09
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